It’s happened again and it is time to plan for your lawn.

20 08 2010

Two weeks ago I was called to 2 different client’s homes to work on commodes. Both clients had commodes that flushed without being asked to do so. Both clients had 2 such phantom commodes. Both had bathrooms on different floors. Neither client knew the other. One client had a couple of nail pops in some drywall. The other had a problem just outside a leaky shower that needed my attention requiring a piece of drywall, joint compound, sanding and paint. These were the only similarities in the two jobs. Just thought I would mention the fact that my jobs run in waves. I guess I will not rebuild another commode for a year or so.

I mentioned the leaky shower. If I had been called last year to recaulk the shower surround I probably would not have needed to repair the drywall and have paint mixed. Sherwin Williams is getting to be one of my stops these days. 2 days, 2 quarts of paint mixed. One of the fun things about the leaky shower job was the home owner has a cat. He is so sweet and gentle. He wanted to see everything I did, up close. I had to move him a couple of times. When I moved him he went over and got in my tool box and lay down.

The other house had several different jobs for me to correct. The house had settled some and the front deadbolt would not lock. Someone took out the strike plate so it would. I replaced the strike plate to find out I couldn’t lock the bolt. I soon had it fixed so it could be locked. I really like the variety of having several unrelated type of jobs at the same home.

I would be interested in knowing if other handypeople have their jobs run in waves and if many of you like to call on different parts of your mind to make needed repairs.



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