Working on unusual projects again.

23 07 2010

Recently I was asked to work on a project that I need to keep quiet about. I can tell you that it involves Joe Bunn of Joe Bunn DJ Company. For those of you in North Carolina especially the Triangle area that use a DJ or go to parties or bars that have a music venue then you know Joe.  As far as I know he is the most successful DJ company around. I was told by my good friend Andy that when he was a college student and there was an occasion to go out, mostly at night, and if Joe Bunn was going to be there he knew it would be fun, he would have a good time, and the music would be great. Now I guess some of you may be thinking that I am participating in nepotism by talking about Joe Bunn. I have a geneology that takes my family back to 1723 in the Franklin County area of N.C. Joe and I have talked and he doesn’t recognize any of the names in my past. Sorry, I have gone off topic. Anyway, Joe and an associate have come up with an idea that they and I think will be something lots of people will want to use and participate in using. Joe seems to be on the cutting edge of lots of things entertainment and I think this is one of them. In about 2 weeks I will feel free to talk more about this and give you detail but right now I want to remain a little vague. The project I was working on was very labor intensive and as Joe likes every detail to have lots of character this project took on a life of it’s own. I was a little out of my usual field but was able to keep up. The project is in it’s next faze for unique alteration but should be complete next week. At that time Joe is going to send me pictures that I will post right here in this space along with the text you are reading now and maybe more. I don’t think you will find anything like this being offered by any other DJ. Check out Joe’s website

to see what he has new to offer. I can tell you that I spent a lot of time working on this project and Joe wanted it right. He wanted it right for himself and for his clients that will be using the service. More later.



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